
What is VoiceTree?

VoiceTree is the world’s largest voice network, with more than five million members in 52 countries and territories around the world. Privately held, VoiceTree receives all of its revenue from member subscriptions and talent solution firms.

What makes VoiceTree different from other voice message apps?

VoiceTree has thrived since its creation on reconnecting human emotions lost through text messages and posts. Our mission, as well as our secure, cloud-based storage method, ensure that your messages are given the best care.

Will VoiceTree store voice messages from my cell phone and house phone?

Yes: VoiceTree gives you universal access for submitting a new voice message. Through a unique number and passcode given to you upon joining, you can submit voice messages from your cellphone or landline. Also, we have an award-winning app where you can access all your messages, wherever you are.

How do I use VoiceTree on my computer or mobile device?

It’s really simple! Either access us through the site you’re using, or through our mobile apps. Through your settings, you can find a unique number that you can use to send yourself messages. It’s like a modern voicemail, except you’ll be hearing from people you choose to listen to.

I received a strange message. What should I do?

If anything appears that looks unfamiliar or not meant for you, please let us know. We take your privacy very seriously, and if you’re receiving unwanted messages from others, we will work quickly to resolve these issues.

Will I receive spam or sponsored voice messages?

Because we’re privately funded by you, our subscribers, we don’t allow brands to use this platform to sell you goods and services.

What else can you do?

What else would you like us to do? Please send us a message with your ideas and opt into our weekly newsletters to hear all of the exciting new VoiceTree developments.

A loved one’s profile has disappeared. What can I do?

Only the creators of a profile may make changes or updates to their account.

Can we leave VoiceTree a voice message?

Unfortunately, we only take emails right now.